Parts of the UX process involve simply doing visual work. One way to get better at it is, as per every art discipline out there, doing copywork. So as you would see students at Arts Universities getting their practice by copying famous paintings or artworks, the same way you'd find a UX designer building 1:1 replicas of mockups they like, or real products out there.

Copywork isn’t copying in the negative sense, as you’re not appropriating someone else’s work and call it your own. This is simply visual practice and you’re giving credit to the original work. NEVER post something copied as your own. Big No-No in the design industry.

You can read more about copywork here and here.

📝 Your List of Products to Copy

📱  Spotify

🖥️  Domestika

Keep adding products and flows you love!

🎨 Example Copywork

You can see an example from one of the Mento Design Academy Bootcamp students over here.