An app to make your art museum visits easy and memorable

by Raluca Angelescu | πŸ‘”LinkedIn | 🎈Dribble | πŸ“«E-Mail

Table of contents

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The Problem

Even though we notice an increased digitalization effort, many museums are still relying on the previous technologies for audio-guides and offering information to visitors. Overall digitalization has put the experience and co-creation in the spotlight again and contributed to the change in overall perception. One of main components of a successful experience is the auditory dimension. If done right, can enhance or ruin the experience, as well as damage the brand.

So we asked ourselves: How might we create a better experience for museums visitors by looking into future digital solutions (e.g. BYOD), while also taking accessibility into account?


The Solution

After applying different UX methods and research, which I will describe in the next sections, I came up with the following solution: an digital BYOD solution, where users could have easy access to information about the exhibits they love and want to know more about, in both audio and written form, as well as a future database for them to access easily, after the visit has ended and they arrive home, or before, to prepare and maximize the time spent.

Solution Teaser - Onboarding listing Main features

Solution Teaser - Onboarding listing Main features

Mockup Scene.png

The Journey from Problem to Solution

This project was started from scratch, with no existing product or documentation, so I got the chance to go through each phase of the design process, each offering me a solid foundation for my product, as well as the opportunity to understand the purpose of each stage of the design process.

The entire journey from problem identification to final product took 3 months, during which I received feedback from my mentor and reflected upon every step of the process and it’s utility into crafting a final design solution.

Timeline of project