You can’t really have UX without research. No research means you’re not talking to your users, and in the absence of this conversation, who are you designing for? So it’s really important to dive deep into this field and learn why, what, how and when around research methods.

Discovery Work

👉 [Stakeholder Interviews]( interviews are valuable research,Business goals.)

👉 Secondary Research

Research Problem Statement & Goals

👉 Research Problem Statements

👉 Research Goals

Research Plan

👉 Crafting a Research Plan

Research Activities

👉 Interviews

👉 Surveys

👉 [Contextual Inquiry]( a contextual inquiry%2C the,habitat and context of use.)

👉 Diary Studies

Extracting Research Insights

👉 [Affinity Mapping]( mapping%2C sometimes also known,and group it by category.)

Communicating Research Insights

👉 Personas

👉 Customer Journey Maps

👉 Research Presentations