Here I’ll help you understand and define what makes you YOU. Everyone has their unique combination of skills and experience, their individual secret sauce that makes them special, that makes them stand out. This canvas will facilitate this exercise for you.

You can print the picture below or recreate it on your wall.

Critical Thinking Copy 12.png

Or, you can even go ahead and fill everything in right here in your Notion UX home!

Educational Background

What did you study in university, what other courses did you take? List anything (don’t worry about relevancy yet!).



Professional Experience

What is your professional background (if you have one!): what roles have you held so far?

Role What I Learned Useful to UX?
Waiter Patience, Customer Care, Working under pressure, Multi-tasking Yes!

What I’m Good At

Having a hard time figuring out the answer? Think of what it is that others come to you seeking out help for. Think of what you’ve been praised for.